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Michael Davis
生于 United States
22 years
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Andrea Porter
Little too late for myself to share with you how much you've always meant and inspired me. Remember one day at band camp! lol Oh my band was so much more enjoyable because you were there...literally. Me you and Felicia were road dogs in the trombone section. I ♥ having been able to share the many unforgettable memories with you. You're beyond an amazing person. You're smile alone brings happiness to anyone's heart. Funny indeed you were and extremely gifted. I'd like to think of our section as the "joksters"; There was never a dull moment. Your positive attitude was so infectious and I plan to incorporate that into my life journey.  Michael, I will never forget you and I simply never have.
sammi guerrero
haha i remember me and lindsey both used to think you looked just like eminem!
you were like my big brother! I have so many memories......i remember when you and taryn came back and us 3 all went to the outlet mall...and we listened to bunny hop abut 10 times and all new every single word to that song!!! You went into lids and got a hat....im pretty sure taryn still wears it....then we went to rocky mountain chocolate factory and you guys bought me candy=]

i miss you mikey&&i love you always!
Rashaud Joseph

Big D

    Wussup Good Bruh, I can say we have had some of the best times in my life with u an fuscaldo like the night there was a big paty at otter lake an me, u an fuscaldo said fuck it an just chilled in my room an just kicked back chilled listened to texas rap an u tried to convince me that they had good rappers in texas which they dont an they still dont!!! but that night was another one of the nights that we stayed up till about 4-5 in the mornin drinkin beer all night getting hella drunk an remenicing about back home an basic, hell i think i even tried to teach u how to freestyle but hey white guys just cant rap and even when u tried to make a gold grill like mine.lol. but thanks again for just beein a real friend like a said before we miss u an i will talk to u later.

Rashaud "Joe"Joseph


               Bruh, remember when i turned 21 an all week long i had to rag on u to come out with us an u would always say taryn would not let me go taryn this an that an we all just kepy on getting on u an then when u called her an asked she said yes then u were scared to go out cause u didnt want to get into trouble u just wanted to stay in an talk on the phone all night an taryn told u to just go then utried to tell us that u aint have nuthin to wear, so we had to put a lil outfit for u to wear and u kept tryin to have so many reasons y u couldnt go, then we finally convinced u to just man up an that our lil crew from basic were all 21 now so we could party together, then we all just started drinkin like there was no tomorrow an that was just the pre-party before we got to koots, then we get to koots an holy shit i had one of the best nights of my life from tellin women that they couldnt dance with u then gettin fat chicks to dance with u an spendin so much money in there bruh we got so drunk that night that it was pitifule oh yeah remember that chick that kept buyin us drinks cause i told her we both turned 21 she must have spent well over 100 dollas, we have been through alot man this is just a fraction, so thank you for bein their with me through it all from day 0 a basic till now cause i no u still with me so i will talk to u later on bruh. we all miss u an think about u alot.

Jessica Bell
Hey mikey, remember the time when you were 6, nat was 8, and I was 12 and we had to rake the whole backyard and pick up all the leaves and dad gave us 10 cents a garbage can full of leaves. Nat and I had to help you because the can was as tall as you were. Then we got our money and got to spend it at the thrift store. I am sure that we all bought toys. I miss you, little brother. You are forever in my heart.
William Fuscaldo

Hey Davis, 

      There were so many good times but one that really sticks out was when we were holdovers in basic for airborne school.  I remember we went rafting down that river in Missouri with the beer in the laundry bag floating behind us.  That woman was trying to sell  us plastic bags and and coolers.  We ended up being on the river for a lot longer than we had planned and we rolled into that bar where we were supposed to get picked up by the taxi and didnt fit in at all.  That was funny.  I will never forget the awesome times we had.  We miss u and think about you all the time.  Watch over us and we will be able to chill again before you know it.  "Animal"


Your Baby
Hi baby, I sure miss you alot! I don't know how I'm going to do this without you, but I'll try my hardest like you always did. I remember one time when i tried to make you breakfast and hot cocoa to eat at the park. The hot coca spilled on everything and all the food got soo soggy! BUT you still ate it as we sat next to the river. You would always make the best of any situation and always give me a kiss to remind me that you were here for me. I miss soggy breakfast sandwiches and cocoa covered napkins. I love you baby.
Jessica Bell
Having you be part of my life for almost 23 years, there are so many great memories. Mikey, what a great little brother I have. I loved seeing the man you were growing up to be. Somehow you got better qualities than Natalie and I. Not sure how that happened. Watch over us all. Look down and see how Grayson is growing. Visit him in his dreams and play with him. When he laughs in his sleep, I know that you are playing with him. You are in everything I do and will always be in my heart. I miss my little brother. Keep us all safe. I love you Mikey.
Kari Fuscaldo

Dear Michael - I remember waiting at Ft. Leonardwood graduation with Taryn and your Mom. We waited, and waited and waited... they had you guys doing extra duty!! You guys were soooo proud!!! I'll  never forget seeing you guys graduate and seeing how proud you were. That memory will forever live in my mind - and always hearing BJ talk about "Davis". You will live on in our hearts and minds forever - please keep a close watch over your buddies still over there!!


Mrs. Fuscaldo

Taryn Davis

Hey Lover,

Remeber that time we put on 50s music and danced in the hallway. That was so wonderful, I'd step on your feet because they were so big and you'd give me kisses. I loved making up songs with you and i rememer singing "Stand By Me" right before you left to Iraq, you sang along. You're so perfect baby. All together I just remember how much we love each other, you are my soul mate baby forever and always.


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